How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy
How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy


The human face, also known as the heart mirror, says, every face is an open book. By reading the facial expressions of any person, you can easily guess and estimate their goodies, flaws, and capabilities in a few moments. You can also know their hidden secrets. How will it be, If you will be able to distinguish between truths and frauds by studying facial features? And their origin appears on you. This knowledge is called Face Reading. The art of reading face is coming traditional from ancient times If you want to get such fantastic skill, So in this article, I will show you that How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy read the full article till the end. And stay with me because it's your only benefit. 

 For years, psychiatrists, philosophers, and observers kept searching and judging for human nature. Aristo of Chios tried to understand human nature and secrets through facial impressions. And through the visible form of man Aristo was busy in the process of knowing the secrets of people. In the exploration of personality, it will be involved color of face, hair, voice, gait, and movements. Judging any person through facial features is called Face reading. Face Depending on structures of faces, people are divided into four groups Rounded Face Shape Oblong faces Shape Triangular faces Shape Rectangular faces. Shape The people with round face shapes, Such people are sensitive and emotional. 

How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy
How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy

It is said this face shape typically means giving and kind and always puts people first. While the people with oblong face shapes, Realistic, hard worker and logical are considered. Such people having ego problems and they create problems in keeping their relationships. A triangular face shows creativity. The people with Rectangular face shapes, Such people have intelligent, analysts and decisive minds. Such people are angry and they try to dominate. Forehead The forehead is two types. Big forehead Small Forehead Wide and huge forehead shows perception, understanding, and conceptual strength. Forehead wrinkles and lines show deep thinking and research ability. People having big foreheads are mentally great. If you research, you will know often the big leaders have huge foreheads. 

 People having small foreheads are emotional and they do not like listening to things. Eyes As a structure, eyes are many types, people whose eyes are big, Such people are open-minded and curious-minded. And they get worried easily. While people having small eyes are regular and complete thinking minds. Such people pay attention to these things, which they are interested in Some of them are limited-minded ones. Whose eyes are bog down inside, Such people are calm And whose eyes are visible outside, Such people are brutal and aggressive. The people whose distance between eyes is high are victims of neglect While the people having less distance between their eyes, They have the power of attention Nose As a structure, Nose are many types 

How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy
How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy

The nose is an important part of the face. By nose shape, Wealth, behave with others and emotional life can be estimated. Whose nose is thin from the front, such people do not like wealth While whose nose is thicker from the front, Such people are good planners and like wealth. The majority of them are thieves and robbers. The nasal opening holes are big, such people spend a lot of money While people having small nasal holes spend less. Whose nose is long Such people can be a good leader These people try to do something new and like to travel and enjoy different sports While people having small nose are Hard worker Lips The lip structure also plays an important role in raising the curtain from the person's mystery whose have big upper lips are Fearless They talk on the face while whose have small upper lips, Such people hide their secrets People whose lower lips are bigger Such people are extremists. 

How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy
How to read facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy

They show the intensity of labor, hatred, anger, or sorrow Equal lips show justified and gentle. Such people do not hurt others Ears Ears are two types big ears small ears people who have long or big ears such are materialism and arrogance. They like to learn. Such people have bossy attitudes. While small ears naturally are considered as the symbol of respect, balance, and love. This was valuable information because everyone wants to learn the reading facial expressions and techniques in physiognomy. I wish you guys learn this knowledge and enjoy it. If humans were easy to understand then life also becomes easy.